Posted: Tue Apr. 08, 2008 9:52 am
I wouldn't have believed it was possible on a regular bike unless you hadn't chimed in unissamog, that is just crazy fast. I have hit 50 plenty of times, and just about the time I get up to that speed I start thinking of the carnage they'd be scraping off the pavement if something went wrong. 50 is plenty fast enough for me, I can't even imagine 60's. I think one of the scariest hills around here is that short little thing coming down into the ice cream farm on Lear Hill road, you hit 45+ in like 3 seconds, it's like being fired out of a cannon, very exhilarating and very scary at the same time. Oh and it might also have to do with the intersection at the bottom, that I just know someone will pull out in front of me at someday. Ryan p.s. I would definitely frame that ticket! It would hold high esteem, right next to my smashed helmet, broken bike parts, and medical bracelet.