Posted: Tue Jun. 05, 2007 5:55 am
Ok, so there isn't really and adventure race, but I propose one, of a certain type. In hopes to get a majority of the team together for a fun adventure. Plans are proposed, but can be tweaked to accomodate additional fun. 8 AM- Lake Sunapee Kayak 6 Mile loop back to state beach 9 AM- Lake Sunapee Loop on the road bike 10:30 AM- Hike up Mt. Sunapee via Summit trail. Possible Cookout somewhere after? This is meant to be in group ride format, not a race. If someone is interested in just doing the kayak, just do that. Want to just road bike, fine. You can do which ever events you would like, even bring the family for the hike, whatever, or do all three. I would need help securing a loop for the kayak, but it is possible just to go out for an hour. Need a kayak......we can figure something out. Cookout Location could be at Lovely's unless someone else would love to have it. Post here if you would like to tackle this challenge, if we are lucky we can have a photo of the team in our new kits. PS. This is the Brainchild of one Markus Oreillius Gurney PJ