Posted: Tue Jul. 31, 2012 5:15 pm
Excellent! Thanks for the update Russell. I would really like to do the Washington Madison loop with you, that would just be perfect! I have an obligation on Thu the 23rd so we will see how it works out. Either way I want to catch up with you sometime between 18th & 22nd for maybe a two day trek. If we happened to hit a hut that would be sweet. I haven't seen all the huts along this section and been in fewer of them but there appears to be 9 AMC Huts between the Kinsman's and Carter Dome on or near the AT: [b:463f75d8c4]Lonesome Lake Hut[/b:463f75d8c4] (between N Kinsman & Cannon Mtn, nice location, great potential but never been there just seen the location from above), [b:463f75d8c4]Greenleaf Hut[/b:463f75d8c4] (1000 ft below Mt Lafayette & AT, a very popular spot with the day hiking crowd, [url][/url]), [b:463f75d8c4]Galehead Hut[/b:463f75d8c4] (near Galehead Mtn, never been there), [b:463f75d8c4]Zealand Falls Hut[/b:463f75d8c4] (couple miles from Zealand Mtn, never been there), [b:463f75d8c4]Mizpah Spring Hut[/b:463f75d8c4] (between Mtn Jackson & Pierce, this one seemed tucked in the woods without a view near this section of trail: [url][/url]), [b:463f75d8c4]Lakes of the Clouds Hut[/b:463f75d8c4] (near Mt Monroe, above the trees, nearly on the top of the saddle between Monroe & Washington), [b:463f75d8c4]Madison Springs Hut[/b:463f75d8c4] (next to Mt Madison, also above the tree line but never seen this one), [b:463f75d8c4]Pinkham Notch Visitor Center & Joe Dodge Lodge[/b:463f75d8c4] (popular launching spot for the Presidentials, crazy crowds here the few times I've been), and last but definitely not least is my favorite location in the Whites to date [b:463f75d8c4]Carter Notch Hut[/b:463f75d8c4] (see description and pictures below). I was recently in Carter Notch between Carter Dome and Wildcat (just across Rt 16 from the Presidentials) and it is a very special place. Sitting upon the ledge overlooking this notch I couldn't help but feel the pure wild nature of the mountains. These pictures don't tell the whole story but gives you a general lay of the land. I didn't see the AMC hut there up close but there are several buildings, the view is very nice on either side, and the lake was very refreshing on a hot day after 10 miles of hiking. Views are from a perch near Carter Dome overlooking Carter Notch. [img:463f75d8c4][/img:463f75d8c4] [img:463f75d8c4][/img:463f75d8c4] Ryan