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Posts: 2086
Location: Newport

Posted: Mon Jul. 30, 2012 9:54 am
I have it on good accord Russell will be in Salisbury, CT on Wed August 2nd and at his current pace this should put him in Hanover, NH about August 15th.

Russell, we are all looking forward to your next post and I'm looking forward to hiking with you when you get to NH. I have blocked out August 18-22nd and hope to hike with you one or two days during that period. It sounds like you will be in the vicinity of Franconia Notch to Mount Washington during that period of time? Are you sticking to the AT as much as possible or are you interested in picking up more 4000 footers if they are near by? Also do you have particular destinations in mind for your overnights or is it whatever is convenient at the time? No worries, just curious about both? North Twin and the Bonds are side excursions but I need them and all the peaks along the AT in that section. My focus is on hiking with you so whatever works is fine. I am also happy to bring a food drop when I meet up with you if that works with your schedule.

Assuming Russell would like a little company when he get's up this way and there are others interested in hiking with him, please post up here or email me (, and I will post it) so we can coordinate our schedules with him.

Russell - 1,450 miles
Ryan - 48.2 miles

I'm training hard Russell, but I have a lot of catching up to do...



Posts: 9

Posted: Tue Jul. 31, 2012 4:15 pm
Yes, I'm projected to be in the Mt Washington/ Mt Madison area between 18-22nd. It would be great to do some hiking with anyone/everyone. I'm just looking forward to hiking with day-hikers in general! I wouldn't mind getting some extra credit with additional peaks, but I wouldn't want to skip any of the AT. If I get to Katahdin early enough I'm also thinking of hiking the International AT to the Canadian border. It is only another 100 or so miles if anyone is interested. I usually plan my daily destinations on a day to day basis so that would be pretty flexible. I would like to stay at one of the AMC huts but which one and when has yet to be determined.

I'm excited to say that I'm in New England. It feels good to see some CT, and VT license plates. I'll be in touch via another post soon.

Posts: 2086
Location: Newport

Posted: Tue Jul. 31, 2012 5:15 pm
Excellent! Thanks for the update Russell. I would really like to do the Washington Madison loop with you, that would just be perfect! I have an obligation on Thu the 23rd so we will see how it works out. Either way I want to catch up with you sometime between 18th & 22nd for maybe a two day trek. If we happened to hit a hut that would be sweet.

I haven't seen all the huts along this section and been in fewer of them but there appears to be 9 AMC Huts between the Kinsman's and Carter Dome on or near the AT: [b:463f75d8c4]Lonesome Lake Hut[/b:463f75d8c4] (between N Kinsman & Cannon Mtn, nice location, great potential but never been there just seen the location from above), [b:463f75d8c4]Greenleaf Hut[/b:463f75d8c4] (1000 ft below Mt Lafayette & AT, a very popular spot with the day hiking crowd, [url][/url]), [b:463f75d8c4]Galehead Hut[/b:463f75d8c4] (near Galehead Mtn, never been there), [b:463f75d8c4]Zealand Falls Hut[/b:463f75d8c4] (couple miles from Zealand Mtn, never been there), [b:463f75d8c4]Mizpah Spring Hut[/b:463f75d8c4] (between Mtn Jackson & Pierce, this one seemed tucked in the woods without a view near this section of trail: [url][/url]), [b:463f75d8c4]Lakes of the Clouds Hut[/b:463f75d8c4] (near Mt Monroe, above the trees, nearly on the top of the saddle between Monroe & Washington), [b:463f75d8c4]Madison Springs Hut[/b:463f75d8c4] (next to Mt Madison, also above the tree line but never seen this one), [b:463f75d8c4]Pinkham Notch Visitor Center & Joe Dodge Lodge[/b:463f75d8c4] (popular launching spot for the Presidentials, crazy crowds here the few times I've been), and last but definitely not least is my favorite location in the Whites to date [b:463f75d8c4]Carter Notch Hut[/b:463f75d8c4] (see description and pictures below).

I was recently in Carter Notch between Carter Dome and Wildcat (just across Rt 16 from the Presidentials) and it is a very special place. Sitting upon the ledge overlooking this notch I couldn't help but feel the pure wild nature of the mountains. These pictures don't tell the whole story but gives you a general lay of the land. I didn't see the AMC hut there up close but there are several buildings, the view is very nice on either side, and the lake was very refreshing on a hot day after 10 miles of hiking. Views are from a perch near Carter Dome overlooking Carter Notch.




Posts: 30
Location: Lempster NH

Posted: Wed Aug. 01, 2012 4:30 pm
Good to read the update. Welcome back to New England!!


Posts: 9

Posted: Thu Aug. 02, 2012 11:42 am
Nice pictures Ryan. They are pretty motivating, but not to worry, since I will be there soon. Hopefully I can figure out how to post a couple pictures, too. Recently the trail has been full of good views making the hiking enjoyable. Pennsylvania was hard on the boots (just got new boots at the first shoe store since PA in Kent, CT) and long between views, but New Jersey, was full of nice terrain and incredible views. I would reccomend hiking the AT anywhere in NJ. New York was similarly good with highlights at the Lemon Squeeze in Harriman State Park, Bear MT and Black MT. A lot of up and downs and some scrambling, but it reminded me of NH and I was happy. A lot of distracting deli's less than a mile hike off the trial throughout NJ to CT. [img][/img]
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