Posted: Wed Jul. 26, 2006 2:25 pm
The course was excellent considering the rain we had. I was too lazy to change out my slicks, so I didn't. Started on Nathan's wheel and spent the first mile there before losing him on the slippery climb. I felt guilty looking for any type of vegetation for traction. Got to the fields on the other side of the road and enjoyed it over there. I was coming out of the field ending rock section, which felt like riding over coral when I saw a white jersey zip right past that section. I pedaled like hell to get his number but lost him when it got slippery again. Some lucky lady gets to marry a guy who cheats at a mountain bike race, I hate to see this guy play candy land. 2nd lap was uneventful, steady, and fun. Came off the first steep hill a bit fatigued, when I noticed I was still in the big ring. I slip, slided home to a rather weak finish. My number was MIA on timing sheet, but it recorded me in 9th, which was not true, that was Brian. I was a bit later. How much?, well if its not in the results we'll never know. PJ