Posted: Mon May. 14, 2012 4:40 pm
The Lake Sunapee Bike Race will be on Saturday June 16, 2012. Racing will begin at 1PM. Our starting format will be similar to prior years, but we have reduced the number of fields somewhat to account for the fact that the race is later in the season and in the afternoon. The race will be up on Bikereg in a few days. As in the past, the race will be prereg only. Our plan is to pay the bikereg fee up until one week prior to the event ... as an incentive to register early. We are very enthused to be able to maintain the 39 year streak of holding the event ... and we hope you can join us for the event! With Regards, Chris Naimie Promoter, Lake Sunapee Bike Race Director, Sunapee/Continental Paving/Buchikas Ski and Bike Racing Team ------------------------------------------------- This message was sent as a service to promoters of Please notify with any abuse of the service. Thank You. ------------------------------------------------- You are receiving this message because you have registered for events at If you feel you have received this message in error, or if you do not wish to receive email notifications from this promoter please go to: