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Winter Tracks - Wed. 1/26/2011 Snowshoe at 5:45pm Forum



Forum -> Winter Tracks -> Wed. 1/26/2011 Snowshoe at 5:45pm
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Posts: 2086
Location: Newport

Posted: Wed Jan. 19, 2011 8:51 pm
Due to the fantastic turnout on the 19th (10 people), and the anticipated turnout out on the 26th, we're going to shake things up a bit this week.

We will be splitting into 2 groups, a Leisure group, and an Adventure group. A typical Adventure group snowshoe is 2-2.5 hours at a fairly aggressive pace, over a variety of terrain, with plenty of bushwhacking, includes a summit of Pinnacle & Coit with at least 1 long very steep ascent, and plenty of adventure in between. The Leisure group snowshoE will be, well, more leisurely, probably 1.5 - 2 hours over easier terrain with less bushwhacking. Goal is for both groups to get back about the same time for post snowshoe food & entertainment (the adventure group is usually good for some stories). I will plan to lead the Leisure group, however if I have not heard from anyone potentially in that group before hand and no one shows up before the Adventure group departs, I will go with the Adventure group.

Adventure group departs at 5:45 sharp
Leisure group departs sometime shortly there after.

If demand continues to support a 2 group format, this will be the norm going forward.

Not sure what the post snowshoe menu holds for this week, will post up with details later. Although bringing food or beverages is NEVER a requirement, it is always welcome.


Posts: 128

Posted: Thu Jan. 20, 2011 2:05 pm
I like adventure! Count me in for next week.

Posts: 108
Location: Sunapee

Posted: Fri Jan. 21, 2011 12:21 pm
This is going to be fun--as long as you experts are ready to ward off the scary creatures that lurk in the woods at night! I plan on staying in the middle of the pack for that reason...

Posts: 2086
Location: Newport

Posted: Mon Jan. 24, 2011 10:15 am
Edited: Tue Jan. 25, 2011 8:43 am

Menu is shaping up this way:

Julie: Mac & Cheese
Joan: Chili
Rosie: Mint Choc Brownies
O'Briens: Salad, Garlic Bread, & Beer

It's looking like we may have 12-18 snowshoers. I will be leading the Leisure group. I will have my cell should the Adventure group need a little direction, but I'm guessing you guys know the way by now.


Posts: 128

Posted: Tue Jan. 25, 2011 7:49 am
I'll bring corn bread.

Posts: 2086
Location: Newport

Posted: Tue Jan. 25, 2011 8:40 am
Sounds good Jesse.

Posts: 567

Posted: Wed Jan. 26, 2011 7:56 am
I'm bringing a twelve pack of Harp

Posts: 2086
Location: Newport

Posted: Wed Jan. 26, 2011 8:42 am
EXCELLENT! Thanks Dana.

It's looking like we missed any big dumps this week, but there is always next week.

Forum -> Winter Tracks -> Wed. 1/26/2011 Snowshoe at 5:45pm
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