Posted: Wed Mar. 31, 2010 3:05 pm
The policy statement should really read that USDOT is reaffirming prior executive orders or highway trust fund reauthorizations. A similar policy has been in effect at NHDOT and VTrans since around 1992 or so. However, the main problems have been waivers to this policy. Buried in NHDOT and VTrans policies are statements that they will repave all roads to the full width including shoulders and bikeways - but in another location in the document they both give themselves an out. Several times over the last 20 year, NHDOT has received a waiver to the full width paving - most notably about 15 years ago along NH Route 103 near Mount Sunapee which left a small lip just right of the white line - just enough to catch a bike tire. The lip was removed in the most recent repaving in 2003 or so. Sorry for the excursion into policy trivia.