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General Discussion - West side of Coit Forum



Forum -> General Discussion -> West side of Coit
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Posts: 11
Location: Alstead, NH

Posted: Sat Nov. 21, 2009 4:03 pm
Hey all. Is there a name for the trail that climbs the west side of Coit, and winds up near the top of Brakeburner? It's not on the map! (Here's hoping it's on the new one!)

Also, about halfway between the Brakeburner junction and the junction lower down with Coit Summit, there's a trail that looks to branch off directly west... where's this go? Got a name? Inquiring minds want to know!

Posts: 2086
Location: Newport

Posted: Sat Nov. 21, 2009 5:12 pm

The trail that climbs the southwest side of Coit is called the Avery Trail and is also refered to as Coit South. The trail that branches off of the Avery Trail to the left while ascending and before you get to Brake Burner is for lack of better names Coit Bypass. This trail bypasses the summit connecting the Avery Trail with Coit North. These two trails are not on the map as we only recently got permission to ride them. Unfortunately they are not likely to make the new map as we have not as of yet received permission to put them on the map and they are on private land.

Hope this helps.


Posts: 11
Location: Alstead, NH

Posted: Sat Nov. 21, 2009 6:45 pm
Thanks for the info! Where does the Avery trail start? I don't recall having seen it, though I may have simple ridden past it before.

Posts: 2086
Location: Newport

Posted: Sat Nov. 21, 2009 7:28 pm
Avery Trail starts at the top of the banked switch backs on Salems Lot and goes all the way to the summit of Coit.


Posts: 11
Location: Alstead, NH

Posted: Sat Nov. 21, 2009 8:00 pm
So that's what that trail is! I'm always having too much fun zipping down Salem's to want to take it. Next time! Thanks a bunch for the info!


Posts: 2086
Location: Newport

Posted: Sat Nov. 21, 2009 8:24 pm
You're welcome Matt.

FYI, that was me you saw with tool in hand on the new Eastside Extension today.


Posts: 11
Location: Alstead, NH

Posted: Sat Nov. 21, 2009 10:48 pm
I thought it might have been. The new trail took some serious work, and I'm very impressed. The big berms are a heck of a lot of fun, and the whole thing flows very nicely. I rarely had to brake. Great job!

Posts: 2086
Location: Newport

Posted: Sun Nov. 22, 2009 7:44 am
I had 4 helpers that did some heavy lifting at very helpful times. The first berm and the majority of the bench cutting on that upper section where you saw me was done by Jessy, Adam, and Hugh in the dark last week. Adam and Jesse also pre-blew the upper section which made raking it a lot easier. PJ helped out with the lower section and also initiated the project by showing me roughly where and what he was thinking about for a new trail.

With the new extension Eastside should now be well over a mile in length.

Glad you like it.


Posts: 884

Posted: Sun Nov. 22, 2009 8:03 pm
freakin Turkeys or deer.....keep screwing up all that trail clearing. If you include the Avery Trail descent and Salems lot to the full eastside, we may have 3 miles of mostly downhill. tricep and handworkout.

Posts: 854
Location: Newport

Posted: Mon Nov. 23, 2009 6:23 am
It is the turkeys. Caught them in the act on Saturday near the Pinnacle.
Forum -> General Discussion -> West side of Coit
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