Beware I did a little dirt moving on Salem's Lot yesterday so you could encounter a little soft dirt but for the most part the berms were untouched and should still be pretty solid.
- improved entrance to Coit South from Salem's Lot - started improving entrance to Salem's Lot from Coit South - removed some off camber between the entrances on Coit South - added extra dirt to first switchback to make it smoother - smoothed out off camber section between 2nd & 3rd switchbacks - added rocks at the base of steep side of the rockwall crossing at the bottom of the switchbacks - blocked off old section of trail through the wet area
I also cut out that low horizontal tree in the middle of Summer St.
Posts: 2086 Location: Newport
Posted: Thu Sep. 10, 2009 8:34 pm
Started working on cutting in (aka couching) the off camber parts of Coit South today. This will likely be a long process but I'm starting at the Salem's lot end and will work my way up the hill.
If I do it right it won't be any less technical or difficult just easier on the legs for walkers and runners as I take out as much of the off camber to the trail as I can without compromising the ride.
Posts: 10
Posted: Fri Sep. 11, 2009 9:07 pm
not sure if this will help or not and dont know the ethitcs but i have a Polaris Ranger that work lets me use all the time since its sitting at my house...would be alot easier to move tools, rock, dirt, etc
Posts: 2086 Location: Newport
Posted: Fri Sep. 11, 2009 9:21 pm
Good to know LewT, could be useful some time. Most of the trails are single track and on the side of a mountain but for moving tools closer and water for the races, could be handy.