Posted: Sat Jun. 27, 2009 1:03 pm
Well they switched it up a bit this year by adding a second Gravity Cavity at the very end in the opposite direction. I was really dredding that but found running Gravity in the opposite direction even at the end to be much more enjoyable then in the normal direction. Race started off with a warm up pace for me, and after a half mile or so I began to pick up the pace a bit. Not more than a mile in I was starting to get that "I feel like I'm on the edge of a bonk" feeling and knew that can't be good. Needless to say I was hot, low on energy, and couldn't get my heart rate up, BUT... I achieved my one goal for the race which was not to fall in the mud again this year, so all in all generally happy, oh and I managed to hold off the bonk, which also was a bonus. Race was well marked and I rather enjoyed having a few trees down along the way, plus despite walking out of Gravity the first time I was actually able to run out of it to the finish. It was nice to see and get encouragement again from Lori Richer even if I was behind her most of the way this time (including the finish). My one regret for the race was not listening to Nathan at the top of the Gravity when he told me there was a guy on my tail, so push it through to the line. I looked over my shoulder rounding the top of Gravity with 40 yards to the finish and didn't see anyone, so I wasn't pushing as hard as I could when I looked back one last time with 20 yards to go, HE was passed me on the other side, I fought but lost with like 5 feet to the line. If only I had listened to Nathan, I could have held him off. Next Time. Ryan