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Posts: 1167
Location: Newport

Posted: Wed May. 13, 2009 1:40 pm
Who is in this year? Saturday, July 11, 2009

Posts: 940

Posted: Wed May. 13, 2009 1:44 pm
Just registered earlier today

-- Ken
"If you brake, you don't win." Racer Mario Cipollini

Posts: 95
Location: Sunapee

Posted: Sun May. 31, 2009 4:46 pm
I would like to do the Prouty again this year. I went on my first road ride of the 09 season yesterday and was pleased with my results. All winter and spring I have been working on a US Navy project and have not been able to ride. Any downtime that I have had it has been to assistant-coach baseball and run my kids around to ball games, and try to rest after extra hours at work. I need to go to Northern Maine for two weeks in June (MDOT project)...but I hope to run while there but may not be able to since we are planning 12-hour days every day until the work is done. I would like to force myself to do the Prouty 100 but may only make the 50?? A long ride or two would be good in late June-early July if anybody is interested!!! Hope to see you all soon!

When in doubt, ride

Posts: 940

Posted: Mon Jun. 29, 2009 2:12 pm
I will not be doing The Prouty this year. My son wants to go run at Frenzy in the Forest on the same day. Hopefully next year.

-- Ken Wiley
"If you brake, you don't win." Racer Mario Cipollini

Posts: 2086
Location: Newport

Posted: Mon Jun. 29, 2009 2:24 pm
I'm going to skip Prouty as well this year and do the Frenzy instead.


Posts: 854
Location: Newport

Posted: Wed Jul. 08, 2009 5:58 am
I will be there with Tyler doing the 50 mile loop.

Posts: 884

Posted: Wed Jul. 08, 2009 7:07 am
Frenzy for me and the boys....Rock on Tyler! Good luck.

Good Luck to all doing the Prouty.......

A couple big cheers for Sandy Ippedico and Mariah Hughlock, going for the Ultimate Prouty! Good luck.....
Mike Feeney

Posts: 36
Location: Newbury, nh

Posted: Thu Jul. 09, 2009 11:24 am
Janet, Sandy, Mariah and I will start the Sat Century at 7 a.m.
Janet and I will bring bungee cords to pull Sandy and Mariah if they hit the wall during their 2nd 100 but more than likely they will pull us.

Cath, Al, Joan, Bob Saturley and my little sister are doing 50 starting at 9ish.
"there is nothing half so much worth doing as simply messing about on bikes (sic)" Grahame Greene from Wind In The Willows

Posts: 1167
Location: Newport

Posted: Thu Jul. 09, 2009 12:22 pm
Mark Gurney and I will be starting the 100 around 8:30.

Posts: 2086
Location: Newport

Posted: Thu Jul. 09, 2009 9:16 pm
Good Luck to the Prouty Crew.


Posts: 93
Location: Grantham, NH

Posted: Fri Jul. 10, 2009 1:32 pm
I'll be riding with a few people starting around 6:15AM - it is a mixed group so it will be a slower pace, so I'll probably see Dan and Mark on the road.

Have a nice weekend,


Posts: 1167
Location: Newport

Posted: Mon Jul. 13, 2009 7:54 am
Saturday was a great day for a bike ride, maybe a little windy in the afternoon but other than that just a great day. Mark and I started at 8:15am and planned on stopping for water and food at mile 60. Out at about mile 4 we picked up Mike and Marilyn from the Claremont group and we pulled them for about the first 30 where they stopped for water. After that it was just Mark and I trading off on the pulls. The ride was inspiring seeing all the families. Brian and Tyler at the first SAG and survivors and parents with pull along kid carts and little boys and girls peddling their hearts out. I was also sad seeing all the yellow ribbons waving in the wind. All of this just makes you want to push harder and cram all the life you can into the event. We did the ride as planned finishing in about 4hours and 50min. The head wind on the way back from Wells River was a killer for our time and energy. The last couple miles were super fast down the hill then it got very hard with cramps all the way around for both of us. The steel band playing at the base of the hill and extraordinary efforts you could see others putting into the climb kept me going. I'll be back.
Mike Feeney

Posts: 36
Location: Newbury, nh

Posted: Mon Jul. 13, 2009 9:13 am
At the start Sandy, Mariah, Janet and I met up with Joan and Al who then opted to do 100. We then met 4 riders from the "tour de Stu" gang from New London.
All 10 of us set off at a liesurly pace and stayed more or less together for the whole ride.
We saw Dan and Mark flash by the Mt Cube SAG.
By the time we turned the corner in Wells River to head south the headwind was blowing 14-16 up the river making progress tedious . Four of us did most of the pulling and by the time we hit Lyme the pace had slowed considerably. One of our pullers had a "survivor" number so I felt fortunate do my share.
In addition to all of the incentives Dan mentions, I had the added pleasure of riding with Mariah and Sandy who were finishing 200 miles.
6 hours 3 minutes.
"there is nothing half so much worth doing as simply messing about on bikes (sic)" Grahame Greene from Wind In The Willows
Forum -> General Discussion -> Prouty 2009
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