Posted: Fri Apr. 24, 2009 4:38 pm
[i:b5af9f5abb]Posted for John Lambert by Ryan O'Brien[/i:b5af9f5abb] We are starting our Sunday morning bike rides this week 4/26/09. This is the regular Ascutney ride except there is a NEW STARTING PLACE. We will be starting at Claremont Cycle Depot, 12 Plains Road Claremont this year as the Ascutney park and ride will be closed for construction until this fall. This will be a easy ride of about 35 miles. We will start at 10:00 and move to 9:00 June 7 2009 and will be back before 1:00. If it is raining we probably will not ride. Call me if questions at 603-477-4848. Also we are doing faster rides from the bike shop Monday and Thursdays at 5:45. Call Bob at the bike shop if questions, 603-542-2453. Claremont Cycle Depot Bike Club will be starting the Claremont Points Series the first Tuesday in May and it will run though September. This is a USA Cycling event and a good training series for the serious racers. Check it out at Claremont Cycle Depot is having their annual used bike sale Memorial day weekend. Bring in your used bike the week before and the sale is Friday and Saturday. If we sell your bike you get 80% cash or 100% store credit. Also a way to pick up a good used bike. Lots of other close out specials too. Call ahead to get the details. Please note ALL consigned bikes MUST be picked up at the end of the sale. We are out of space. Enjoy a great weekend. John Lambert