Pinnacle Challenge II
The 2nd annual Newport, NH Multi-Sport Adventure Race. |
Presented by the Newport Rotary Club and Team Pinnacle. |
Race Course Descriptions:
- Start, Finish, & Transition Area
- The Start is across Route 10 from the Newport High School / Recreation Complex in Newport, NH. The Finish and the Transition area is located directly across Route 10 from the Start in the fenced in area between Route 10 and the track. See the map below for details.

- Road Run (5.0 miles) Map
- The Road run will cross the Sugar River over a bridge and descends down a flat railroad grade for the beginning mile and a half. Upon spitting back out onto the road you will have your only major climb for about ¼ mile. Back onto a few small rollers before flattening out through the historic covered bridge and back down flat Route 10 to the Transition.
- Mountain Bike (5.5 miles) Map
- The Mountain bike leg will gain serious vertical immediately upon entering the woods, you will climb doubletrack before entering your first section of singletrack. More climbing awaits you as the pass the 2 town Water Towers on a rocky doubletrack uphill. A ½ mile descent on doubletrack relieves your legs before entering more singletrack, this time a bit more technical, but gradual uphill. Down on more singletrack through winding woods and a few tricky sections (ladder bridge over rocks, with optional bypass) then spitting back out on doubletrack and cruising to the transition.
- Road Bike (13.75 miles)
- A time trialers dream, at least the first part. Flat, Flat, Flat, until you reach Croydon Fire Station, where you will encounter our major climb. Only ¾ of a mile up Loverin Hill. You can see the top. A downhill rester before a sharp left hand bender to a slight upgrade by backcountry roads, then downhill past some old farms back onto Flat Route 10 to the transition.
- Trail Run (3.4 miles) Map
- This follows the same course as the Mountain bike leg. Only shorter. One short-cut will let you scramble up “big rock” before more climbing on doubletrack, at the crest of the climb you will skip the outback section of the Mountain bike leg and bound back down through the woods to the finish line.